Vaya, parecia una solucion facil pero no me ha funcionado
He puesto el ultimo DSFTool y me sigue pasando lo mismo.
Scenery will contain 3 images (3 x 1)
Image 1 / 3: downloading... converting to PNG...
Impossible to download/convert 2048x2048 images!
Trying 1024x1024....
Impossible to remove temp file w2p_-3.82324_40.36377.jpg. Try to remove ma
nually later
1..2..3..4.. converting to PNG... creating POL archive... adding POL to DSF... O
Image 2 / 3: downloading... 1..2..3..4.. converting to PNG... creating POL ar
chive... adding POL to DSF... OK
Image 3 / 3: downloading... 1..2..3..4.. converting to PNG... creating POL ar
chive... adding POL to DSF... OK
Creating DSF file/s...
Converting c:\X-Plane 8.60\Custom scenery\z LEVS APT z17\Earth nav data\+40-004.
txt from text to DSF as c:\X-Plane 8.60\Custom scenery\z LEVS APT z17\Earth nav
Scanning for dimension properties...
Got dimension properties, establishing file writer...
Got entire file, processing and creating DSF.
Vertices: total = 0, strip = 0, fan = 0.
Primitives: total = 0, strip = 0, fan = 0.
Contiguous vertices: 0. Individual vertices: 03-d Objs pool starts at: 0
Poly pool depth 204 starts at 0
next pool would be at 1
Total cross-pool primitives: 0. Total range primitives: 0. Total enumerated pr
imitives: 0.
Converted c:\X-Plane 8.60\Custom scenery\z LEVS APT z17\Earth nav data\+40-004.t
xt to c:\X-Plane 8.60\Custom scenery\z LEVS APT z17\Earth nav data\+40-004.dsf
Impossible to remove temp file c:\X-Plane 8.60\Custom scenery\z LEVS APT z
17\Earth nav data\+40-004.txt. Try to remove manually later
Total: 3 drapped polygon(s) created; 3 image(s) downloaded.
Time elapsed: 2 minutes, 33 seconds.
Probado con xplane8 y xplane10. Mismos resultados que antes. He importado en WED el DSF y me salen los 3 poligonos pero vacios. No entiendo que pasa. Seguire probando...