Welcome at the website ofthe Integrated Pirep System for Virtual Airlines!The Integrated Pirep System (or IPS) is a PHP-based flight logger which runs on the webserver of a Virtual Airline.Why is IPS the best choice for your VA?• No logging software for your pilots, hence compatible with OS'es like Mac and flight simulators like X-Plane.• Easy for your pilots: less flight planning, they can't forget to turn on their flight logger and no pirep forms to fill after a flight.• Compatible with IVAO, VATSIM or both at the same time.• IPS can use a booking system or a full automatic detection system (based on a default text in the remarks, the start of a callsign or both).• Extensive flight reports, including callsign, flightplan, duration, distance and status (arrived, diverted or not arrived).• The software is free, further support and installation services can be bought in packages.• Already using phpVMS? Checkout the services & products page!
<?php/* Quick settings:1. Enter database information2. Choose which network to use3. Choose which flight detection to use4. If you chose automatic detection, set detectionmethod, fpremark and/or callsignstart*/ //--REQUIRED SETTINGS--////Database information$dbhost = "localhost"; //the host, normally localhost$dbuser = ""; //the username$dbpass = ""; //the password$dbname = ""; //the database name$dbprefix = "IPS_"; //the table name prefix//Network settings$network = 2; //0=IVAO, 1=VATSIM, 2=both//Flight detection settings$usebooking = 0; //0=use automatic detection method, 1=use flight booking$detectionmethod = 2; //0=use fpremark and callsignstart, 1=fpremark only, 2=callsignstart only$fpremark = ""; //text to search in remarks$callsignstart = ""; //callsign requirements (format=KLM:TRA:AFR:BAW:HV:KL:AF:BA), leave empty to accept all callsigns$lognotarrived = 1; //set to 1 to log "Not Arrived" flights, set to other than 1 to only log arrived and diverted flights //--ADVANCED SETTINGS--////IPS General settings$enabled = 1; //set to 0 to disable, if you want to disable IPS without removing the cronjob//Advanced flight detection settings$timesendfp = 5; //time in minutes after a flight report of a flight with flight status O (on blocks) will be send$timeoffline = 30; //time in minutes a flight may be offline without being reported as not arrived$sandbagtime = 60; //time in minutes after a non-moving flight is regarded as sandbagging$rememberfptime = 3; //time in hours IPS remembers a flightplan (combination of pilot, dep ICAO, des ICAO and callsign) after having sent the flightplan$mindistance = 10; //minimal distance in nautical miles before a flight report will be send$minduration = 5; //minimal time in minutes before a flight report will be send$booktimeinvalid = 24; //time in hours after which a booked flight will be deleted//Advanced network settings, DO NOT CHANGE if you don't know what's this all.$networkstatusIVAO = "http://www.integratedpirepsystem.com/whazzup/status.txt";$networkstatusVATSIM = "http://status.vatsim.net/";$networkdataIVAO = "http://nl1.[url=http://www.ivao.aero/whazzup.txt]www.ivao.aero/whazzup.txt[/url]";$networkdataVATSIM = "http://www.klain.net/sidata/vatsim-data.txt";$usestatus = 1;$downloadmethod = 0; //0=file(), 1=cURL