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30 Marzo, 2011, 11:54:49 #45
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

No es el tipo de avión que me guste volar, pero he de reconocer que con este modelo se han superado y me ha picado el gusanillo.

Fantástico trabajo que han realizado y nuevamente "free".

30 Marzo, 2011, 12:47:38 #46
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

Es un buen bicho para estudiar y tener en el hangar Giñar

30 Marzo, 2011, 23:54:24 #47
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

LuisAngel, ¿qué opinas de este avión?. El B-17G. Me interesa tu opinión personal.   Huh?    Huh?    Huh?

31 Marzo, 2011, 00:39:11 #48
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

Boeing B-17G
Hola gaviotu, aún no lo he probado (*) , pero por los comentarios en el ORG, los vídeos y el Blog X-Plane10's, me da la impresión de que es excelente Giñar
Desarrollo ORG: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=44673&hl=b17g&st=0
Blog X-Plane10:  http://xplane10.wordpress.com/?s=b17
Manual:  http://www.khamsin.org/b17/manual/cockpit_en.htmlDe
Checklist:  http://www.khamsin.org/b17/manual/checklist_en.html
Leer:  http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=44673&pid=569589&st=120&#entry569589
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/8z-EGn0_Jkk&rel=1" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/v/8z-EGn0_Jkk&rel=1</a>
Update:  http://xpfr.org/?body=aero_accueil&seek=B17G&langue=EN . Seguirán mejorandolo.

(*) Y no podré disfrutarlo hasta el día 10/04/11 Triste, mañana salgo de viaje a Madrid, Granada y Sevilla. El 9/04/11 estaré en Airhispalis con Manlezl,  http://www.simspotters.org/index.php/foro/13-informacion-y-temas-generales/6360-ii-encuentro-de-aviones-pilotos-y-fotografos
y regresaré a casa, si no surge algún problema, el domingo 10. Traeré info y fotos del evento Gi&ntilde;ar, pero dejaré desatendido el "Hangar del foro". Espero que alimentéis este en mi ausencia Sonreir

« Última modificación: 15 Junio, 2011, 21:09:29 por LuisAngel »

12 Abril, 2011, 11:44:41 #49
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

Morane-Saulnier 760 Paris Jet III v11 de marksuntri XP9.40+ 3D cockpit y checklist Gi&ntilde;ar
« Última modificación: 05 Mayo, 2011, 07:57:46 por LuisAngel »

13 Abril, 2011, 10:20:19 #50
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Lo que sea, pero que vuele...

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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

¡Qué avión más feo!
¿En qué estarían pensando los franceses cuando lo dibujaron?
¡Gracias otra vez, Luis Ángel!

Curro Ocaña

Freeworld Airways
14 Abril, 2011, 08:51:38 #51
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

Boeing B-17G. Imprescindible!!, hay que hacer el checklist para poder volar con este avión. Seguir todo el proceso de los vídeos del post anterior Sonrisa
Prueba en LELN

« Última modificación: 04 Junio, 2011, 20:45:36 por LuisAngel »

20 Abril, 2011, 07:44:40 #52
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

North American T-28C Trojan (Payware) project by Khamsin & Arno54 XP9+  3D cockpit, para Junio 2011 Sonrisa

23 Abril, 2011, 02:03:14 #53
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

Estos franceses hacen que parezca todo tan sencillo...

08 Mayo, 2011, 23:30:55 #54
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

Focke Wulf Fw.190 A6 967 XP9.60+ 3D cockpit Gi&ntilde;ar

10 Mayo, 2011, 08:03:12 #55
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

Ryan Navion L-17C y Camair 480 Twin Navion XP9.40+ 3D cockpit  Gi&ntilde;ar

10 Mayo, 2011, 17:59:40 #56
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

La T-28 Trojan esperan tenerla lista el 10 de junio, según han comunicado hoy mismo. Esto es lo que prometen:

“As you might be aware, Khamsin and I have recently been heavily involved in developing our first payware project, the North American T28C “Trojan”. We think it’s now high time to let poeple know a little more about the progress of our efforts.
First of all, our intention when we set out to develop this aircraft was for the final product to be FUN. That’s the operative word here, so please keep that in mind. While she may be used for procedural flights, this has not been our primary focus. Also, this is a very big beast, and with tremendous power, and yet she’s quite easy to fly (even though she has the aerodynamic properties of a brick). Also, please note that there will be little comparison with the procedural priorities you found in our previous B17G ! Again, the emphasis is on fun, but not at the total expense of procedures.
Second, we had to make some hard choices for the cockpit. It’s not intended to be a perfect replica of a particular plane. Actually, there seems to be as many variants of the basic panel layout as there were planes built, so we gave first priority to develop the displays so that the fun is right there. In particular, there’s a whole side of the cockpit which has been dedicated to navigation, but this is really a credible but fictitious part of our effort.
Third, she will use Gizmo. To be more specific, she will be much more fun if you have Gizmo installed, but she’ll work perfectly well if you don’t have Gizmo installed, or don’t want it, or just can’t have it for some reason. This wonderful tool, developed by Ben Russell, enables the Trojan to offer a whole set of new features that were previously lacking in earlier efforts to make ACF of this type, such as sounds resulting from any external event (such as from a flat tire or an engine seizing, and  down to realistic electro-mechanical failures calculated in real-time, or even a didactic “teaching” mode.
Fourth, our Trojan is primarily intended to be used for short, fun flights, such as, obviously, carrier qualifications flights, races at very low altitude or high speed runs through the moutains, even though she’s fully equiped for long range navigation training flights. This means she is equipped to be used in a very wide range of circumstances and operations,  from “cold & dark” to “fast & furious”.
Right now the ACF is entering her very final stage of developpement.  We can now confidently state that she’ll be available by the 10th of June – next month.
We hope this first effort will meet with your approval, not only for the obvious commercial reasons, but because this plane is proving to be a really very heart-pounding experience.”  –

Por cierto, nos advierten de que para disfrutar plenamente del modelo se requiere tener Gizmo instalado. He buscado por la red, y he visto que es una API, por lo que su uso está más bien orientado a diseñadores. Curioso.

« Última modificación: 11 Mayo, 2011, 08:55:53 por f14tomcat »

29 Mayo, 2011, 22:40:32 #57
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

Nuevo proyecto Douglas DC-3 en desarrollo Gi&ntilde;ar

« Última modificación: 04 Junio, 2011, 20:20:47 por LuisAngel »

30 Mayo, 2011, 18:04:25 #58
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

     Por fin, parece, tendré MI avión

Un buen aterrizaje es el que sales andando.
Un gran aterrizaje es cuando el avion puede seguir volando.

Telefonica ha cerrado mi WEB sin preaviso.
04 Junio, 2011, 20:23:46 #59
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Re: Aviones Historicos XP7, 8 y 9

Stampe SV-4C XP8.60 + 3D cockpit  Gi&ntilde;ar  
http://www.xpfr.org/?body=aero_accueil&av=44   ó  http://www.xpfr.org/?body=aero_accueil&av=45
Stampe SV-4C XP9.22 +3D cockpit Gi&ntilde;ar

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/y0UZbQTvRCI&rel=1" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/v/y0UZbQTvRCI&rel=1</a>

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