linux trying to create a loader contextlinux trying to create a loader contextStarting thread loader.linux trying to create a loader contextThread loader started.IO_Scene of 46,10 (async=0) as 0x11286398IO_Scene of 46,11 (async=0) as 0x11571398IO_Scene of 46,12 (async=0) as 0x111157a8IO_Scene of 47,10 (async=0) as 0x13f08a50IO_Scene of 47,11 (async=0) as 0x1191b840IO_Scene of 47,12 (async=0) as 0x11e34058Kicking off async tex load.Queueing tex load for any pending degrees we just forced ourselves to do.Fallo de segmentación (core dumped)
dlerror:/home/xose/X-Plane 8.64/Resources/plugins/X-IvAp.xpl: undefined symbol: __stack_chk_fail_localFailed: /home/xose/X-Plane 8.64/Resources/plugins/X-IvAp.xpl. (This file is missing, not a DLL or could not be loaded due to another missing DLL.)