Buenos dias,
Ayer me volvió a ocurrir que el simulador se vino abajo, en el informe posterior que salió en el escritorio y listo para enviar a Apple, son 14 paginas, extracto lo que yo creo que es mas importante.
ERROR: language file line \\\' locl====locl\\\' does not have the same leading spaces.
ERROR: language file line \\\' zulu====zulú\\\' does not have the same leading spaces.
ERROR: language file line \\\'DVD scan: The installer cannot extract a file.====\\\' missing right side translation.
ERROR: language file line \\\'Error: %1:message%.====\\\' missing right side translation.
ERROR: language file line \\\'Compressed File: %1:file%.====\\\' missing right side translation.
ERROR: language file line \\\'Destination Path: %1:file%.====\\\' missing right side translation.
ERROR: language file line \\\'X-Plane is running very low on memory.====\\\' missing right side translation.
ERROR: language file line \\\'Scenery loading is now disabled.====\\\' missing right side translation.
ERROR: language file line \\\'Please turn down your settings and restart the sim as soon as possible.====\\\' missing right side translation.
ERROR: language file line \\\'X-Plane is totally out of memory.====\\\' missing right side translation.
ERROR: language file line \\\'Next time, turn down your rendering settings or remove add-ons to avoid this problem.====\\\' missing right side translation.
ERROR: language file line \\\'If you cannot restart X-Plane you may have to delete your preferences, in the Output folder.====\\\' missing right side translation.
Muchas gracias y saludos.
El error como decía antes, suele salir al final del log, como dices, al final de esas 14 páginas te aparecerá.