Lo tienes en la propia web
http://www.ivao.aero/softdev/X-IvAp/walkthrough.htmList of .dot commands
Oh one last thing - the .dot commands are a bit different from XSB. You can enter them in the main window.
Here's the list:
.x 1234 sets transponder code to 1234
.c1 123.45 tunes com1 to 123.45
.c2 122.8 tunes com2 to 122.8
.chat opens a chat window to callsign. In that chat window, you can add and remove other callsigns by typing +callsign and -callsign.
.atis requests callsign's atis (without tuning TeamSpeak?)
.taf .shorttaf .metar is used to retrieve METAR, TAF and SHORTTAF for weather stations or airports
.msg send a private message to callsign
.wallop message sends a message to all SUPs online
.broadcast message sends a network broadcast message (SUPs only)
.nomp turns off multiplayer, .yesmp turns it on
.nowx turns off weather, .yeswx turns it on
.voice turns on voice, .novoice turns it off