Gracias por los comentarios... Ya encontré la solución... parece ser que algunos Joysticks que utilizan el Firmware Padix (entre ellos el mío) tienen problemas con la detección y no son correctamente identificados por le Mac OS X. Lo explican en la página
Padix/Rockfire fix
- Some joysticks and gamepads with firmware from Padix, such as the Rockfire and Boeder CrossCheck devices, declare themselves as "class 3" devices rather than "class 0" devices. This appears to be a firmware bug, and it makes it impossible for the Apple USB Composite driver to handle them. If the Composite driver doesn't load, neither does the USB Overdrive. There is a simple fix that fully enables those devices, you can download it here but be aware that it comes with no warranties and no tech support.
Y hay un parche disponible, freeware...