lo he descargado 4 veces, borrado del registro todos los datos, probado, update, vuelta a probar, etc. etc. y a los 30" se queda en blanco la pantalla del XP10, sigue el disco duro currando pero no carga el simul. Algún otro programa me debe crear algún conflicto y no doy ni da mi Servicio técnico con el problema.
Windows XP, intel 2 Quad Q8200 2.33GHz 3.50GB RAM GTX260 1Gb
Tendré que esperar a la versión de Aerosoft
Una parte del log:Loaded: C:\Documents and Settings/Luis/Mis documentos/Downloads/X-Plane 10 Demo/Resources/plugins/PluginAdmin/win.xpl.
ERROR: menu string Ubicaci—n has invalid UTF8 characters.
ERROR: menu string Par‡metros has invalid UTF8 characters.
ERROR: menu string Visualizaci—n has invalid UTF8 characters.
==== CHANGING LANGUAGE TO: Español. ====
ERROR: language file line 'TAKEOFF FINAL APPROACH RAMP START====' missing right side translation.
ERROR: language file line '-your plane team red { ====su equipo de aviones color rojo {' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line '-your plane team blue { ====su equipo de aviones color azul {' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'In this window, you can assign almost any function in X-Plane to almost any key on your keyboard. Just click on the big gray buttons and hit the key you want to assign, and the little gray button to select an action for it.====' missing right side translation.
ERROR: language file line 'show|NDB====Mostrar|NDB ' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'show|VOR====Mostrar|VOR ' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'show|DME====Mostrar|DME ' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'show|ALL ILS====Mostrar|TODO ILS ' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'show|OUR ILS====Mostrar|NTRO ILS ' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'add NDB====Agr. NDB ' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'add VOR====Agr. VOR ' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'add LOC====Agr. LOC ' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'add ILS====Agr. ILS ' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'add GLS====Agr. GLS ' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'DELETE selected NAVAID====BORRAR AYUDA NAVEGACION ' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'radial: ====radial:' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'distance: ====distancia:' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'body radius|(--) { This is simply the width in (--) of the grids below, which you should set to be just big enough to draw all the cross-sections of the aircraft.====' missing right side translation.
ERROR: language file line '\nKeyboard shortcut:====\nAtajo del teclado: ' does not have the same trailing spaces.
ERROR: language file line 'This instrument is will swap in the LIT textures at night, but the LIT texture does not have the same alpha as the day texture. These LIT textures will REPLACE the daytime ones, so they need the same kind of alpha mask.\n====' missing right side translation.
ERROR: language file line 'axis of rotation|(degrees roll of the hinge) { This is the HEADING of the axis about which the door rotates, and the ROLL of the axis about which the speedbrakes rotate.====' missing right side translation.
etc. etc.
Luis, no lo tienes instalado directamente en C:? No tengo ni idea pero quizás sea eso