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Autor Tema: Comunicado de Carenado  (Leído 3519 veces)
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18 Abril, 2017, 10:15:47
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Comunicado de Carenado

\"Official Carenado Statement about the recently released X-Plane 11

Many people have been asking about the compatibility between our X-Plane 10 (XP10) fleet and the new X-Plane 11 (XP11).

After many weeks of research, we have realized that the new X-Plane platform has many changes compared to the old one, the new visual engine is very powerful and it was developed using cutting edge technology. Therefore, in order to take advantage of this new platform we will create native aircraft for X-Plane 11, meaning we will add all the necessary elements to our aircraft to reach a new level of products.

Because of that, all the following aircraft released in the past 6 months will be freely updated to XP11, assuring the investments done by our customers since the new XP11 was announced:

• PA34 Seneca V
• 500S Shrike Aero commander

From now on, and until the end of 2017 we will provide dual version products (XP10 and XP11) with any new release, as we did it with the Phenom 100.

All the rest of our fleet will be redone for X-Plane 11 and will be sold as a new product.\"

18 Abril, 2017, 11:59:01 #1
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Re: Comunicado de Carenado

A mi me toca las narices estos comunicados, es que ni siquiera se dignan a decir que los aviones que ya están para x-plane 10 se actualizaran para el 11 de forma rebajada. Que poca verguenza.

En fin, una mas de carenado

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