
Foro General => Sugerencias-Tablón anuncios => Mensaje iniciado por: jorduran en 08 Junio, 2017, 18:39:06

Título: Para creadores de objetos
Publicado por: jorduran en 08 Junio, 2017, 18:39:06
Blender Exporter Testers
Posted on June 7, 2017 by Ben Supnik   

Ted and I have been working on a new version of XPlane2Blender for Blender 2.5. The new version mostly focuses on bug fixes and optimizations to get perfect WYSIWYG output from Blender to X-Plane with optimal OBJ code.

If you use the version 3.3.x of this exporter and would like to try test builds, please email me. We have a suite of test cases that we run the exporter through to confirm that it is operating properly, but it's also useful to run it on real-world examples to see if there are cases we missed.